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Developer of Cathedral Plaza building to file suit to ECHR

The Millennium Building Development company, the developer of the Cathedral Plaza building near the Saint Joseph Cathedral from Bucharest will file suit to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), following the verdict delivered by the Suceava Court of Appeals that stood firm on the decision of canceling the authorization approving the construction of the 19-storey building.

'Millennium Building Development considers that its rights have been violated and it will seek compensation from the Romanian state. The developer of Cathedral Plaza claims the decision ruled by the Suceava Court of Appeals was unfair because it reviewed a final and irrevocable decision, by invoking the norms of the community law, but these provisions cannot be retroactively applied given the fact that Romania was not a member of the European Union when the construction authorization has been granted,' the developer says in a release on Tuesday.

According to the above-quoted source, the construction authorization was issued in Feb. 2006 by the District 1 City Hall and at this moment the building is registered and has entered into civil circulation.

The Suceava Court of Appeals on Monday declared the construction authorization null and void.
The representatives of the Roman - Catholic Archbishopry from Bucharest on Tuesday requested the authorities to enforce the court decision and to demolish the building, Agerpres reports.
